The triskele, also called the spiral of life, the triple spiral and the triple goddess, is three equal spirals radiating from a common center. It is an ancient symbol with versions that have been found in a number of cultures around the world, including Greece, pre-Columbian central america, and also the Hopi people of the south west United States.
The Celtic Triskele was found in the remnants of an ancient temple from the Bronze Age in Ireland. It is believed that it evolved from the triskellian, a symbol which looks like three legs
The triskele came to be associated with the Triple Goddess (maiden, mother, crone) in pre-Christian times and has been found in illuminated manuscripts created by monks transcribing early Christian texts.
Also, the Celts believed that the most important things in life came in threes: birth, death, rebirth; body, mind, spirit; earth, water, sky; past, present, future; father, son, holy ghost; and the triskele is believed to represents these tripartite meanings. Some of the more current interpretations of the triskele are that it is a symbol for the cycles of life, personal growth, human development, and spiritual expansion.
Because, at times, it is drawn in one continuous line, the triskele represents a continuous movement of time. It is probably this unending quality of the spiral that attracts us so greatly, and has contributed to it remaining on of the most popular Celtic symbols.
Triskele pendants
Triskele earrings
Find Triskele jewelry, and other Celtic jewelry at our web site uniquecelticjewelry.com.
Until next time, best wishes...