We're having a Free drawing for the Phoenix Celtic Pendant with Carnelian shown to the left. Just fill in a little information so we can contact you if you win, and you're good to go.
Every so often we have a drawing for a jewelry item. We do this because we get some satisfaction out of all the responses from our faithful customers, and also because it keeps those of you on our email list on your toes.
Our new site at uniquecelticjewelry.com is growing as we add more photograph and add more items all the time. We're also putting up articles about Celtic symbol meanings, wedding tiaras and other historical and mythological stories and texts.
If you haven't visited our new site yet, please drop on by. In case you haven't heard, we are cutting back our travel schedule drastically this year, due to rising costs for gas, etc. We're putting more energy into the online store, so you don't have to wait to see us at a Celtic festival or Scottish Games to pick up find sterling silver Celtic Jewelry.
We are expanding our line of Celtic jewelry, including much more Claddagh jewelry, Celtic knots, Triquetra and Triskele jewelry, and many more styles in our very unique Celtic jewelry line of hand carved woolly mammoth tusk jewelry.
By the way, Gaelyn has put many of her fine art pieces up in her web site at artservingspirit.com. Please drop by and take a look.
For those who want some info on tiaras, here's a link to Wikipedia.